Tag Archives: input method
Chrome/Chromium 今日 Wayland 输入法支持现状
最新的信息请参见 https://fcitx-im.org/wiki/Using_Fcitx_5_on_Wayland#Chromium_.2F_Electron 似乎有不少人总是有疑问,Chrome的Wayland输入法支持到底是什么情况,能不能输入,支不支持,那么就姑且来总结一番。本文仅代表写作时的状态,不代表后续的情况。(以下用 Chrome 指代 Chrome/Chromium)。 首先简单介绍一下 Chrome 对 Wayland 支持的情况。对于 Chrome 这种跨平台的项目来说,肯定有自己的抽象层,从而能够高效地利用对应平台的 GPU,图形栈。现阶段来说,这一层抽象的项目的名称是 Ozone,更多详细的介绍可以参考 https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git/+/HEAD/docs/ozone_overview.md。这里的描述是这样的:Ozone 是在使用了底层输入和图形的 Aura 窗口系统下的平台抽象层。一旦完成,这个抽象将支持各种系统,包括嵌入式 SoC,或者新的 Linux X11 替代:Wayland/Mir 来启动 Aura。 现在如果要在 Wayland 上用原生 Wayland 而不是 XWayland 来显示,那么将要使用 Ozone 作为它的图形栈。那么 Ozone 有什么样的输入法支持呢?在很长的一段时间内,它的输入法支持只有 text_input_v1,并且需要使用 –enable-wayland-ime 来启用。对于不了解 Wayland … Continue reading
The Road to Fcitx 5: 3. You can (NOT) type on wayland (properly).
With a few recent changes on Fcitx 5, Fcitx can now be used to type on Wayland. (Even the window is rendered with EGL! .. ok this is not important) And as of today, I’d say it is the first and … Continue reading
The Road to Fcitx 5: 2. With multiple focus and multiple display in mind.
I’d like to clarify one thing about this series of articles first. All features described in this series are already implemented, because I do not fell comfortable about writing about vaporware. The purpose of this series is to share some … Continue reading
The Road to Fcitx 5: 1. libxcb replaces libX11
This is the first post of “Road to Fcitx 5”. I planned to talk about more the changes in Fcitx 5, and comments are welcome. Right now, I’m using Fcitx 5 from day to day. As you can see from … Continue reading
Gaps between Wayland and Fcitx (or all Input methods).
Though some people have no problem (or, only few problems) about using fcitx (to be more specifically version 4) with wayland, but the truth is there are still lots of problems left to be addressed. The truth is, wayland is … Continue reading