Well, the non-Chinese language support coming to fcitx is a story only since 2012, and obviously, it’s very hard for us (fcitx developers) to advertise fcitx to non-Chinese user. But I surprisingly find that there are some people around the world using fcitx.
Today, while I was spying fcitx-im.org search history via Google webmaster (It will give me some information about what keywords will lead to the website), I noticed a keyword “fcitx 한글” . This indicates there are some people using fcitx for typing Korean alphabet. So I just try to explore more, by typing this word into Google and search. And Google shows me some more result, and even one page in the result is a blog about how to configure fcitx.
And a few days ago, I noticed a video on youtube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=7JWcoqteGwQ . It’s that some other people make a video about configuration (And I even found a bug of fcitx-configtool in the video 😛 ), which is about how to type Malayalam with fcitx.
Though I’m a developer of those input method, actually I have very little knowledge about Hangul (I learned some basic idea of Hangul when I develop fcitx-hangul), and exact no knowledge about Malayalam (I even thought it was Malaysian yesterday). And fcitx really needs people from other languages to test it and use it.
Those discovery makes me very happy, since obviously fcitx is really helping some one in some unknown-to-me part of the world.
P. S.
Following is some real advertisement, fcitx have some unique benefit against others: it archieves both high-modularization, independence, but also high-integration. The core of Fcitx only depends on libc, while every other thing can be replaced.
To get more native UI out of box: https://fcitx-im.org/wiki/Kimpanel
Fcitx doesn’t treat input method framework as a set of separated input method engines, but includes other helpful function which is done by “typing text” in it.
Type unicode, globally, everywhere: https://www.csslayer.info/wordpress/fcitx-dev/unicode-input-support/
And you can even use fcitx as a clipboard manager by Ctrl+Semicolon.
Fcitx really eats its own dog food, it uses the exact same code, to support spellcheck/hint while typing even with plain keyboard layout, and add English word hint to Pinyin at the same time.