Use Jolla Phone to share Wifi via USB

Recently I got a new Surface Pro 4, and starts to use it as my main laptop. I’m glad that it can work with Linux quite well. But it does have some issue that I can’t live with: wifi will stop working after hours randomly.

Though someone points a workaround to me on reddit, but it does not work for me. Fortunately, I was able to just use my usb ethernet at that time. But recently, I moved my seat at home to a place where I couldn’t reach the ethernet cable, so I has been forced to use wifi since then.

Luckily, I found a thread that indicated that I can make my Jolla phone to share the internet via USB. To make it short, one just need to execute

pkcon install usb-moded-connection-sharing-android-config

with developer account and restart the phone.

But later I found that it only works with Cellular network but not with wifi. I digged into the related usb-moded code to confirm that. The implementation explicitly disables wifi and enables cellular network for sharing.

But this is not the end of the story. I found I can still manually enable wifi after select Internet sharing as usb mode. But the network itself doesn’t work, because the implementation only adds the masquerade iptables rule for the cellular network. So I just tried to add my iptables rule manually via:

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE

And it works!

Then I created an expect(1) script to ssh to phone and execute the iptables command automatically, so now I can happily use Jolla to connect the wifi network for me, just like using a wifi dongle. I still need to configure the dns server manually via networkmanager for my local connection because the dns server pushed by dhcp server is for cellular network, but that’s good enough since I can even use google’s public dns server blindly if I don’t are too much about the dns speed.

This iptables rule also seems to be persistent if you don’t restart the phone, so I’m also considering to add it when the phone boots. For now I’m happy with my current solution.

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同一台电脑的 Linux/Windows 系统的蓝牙连接同一个设备


情况是这样的,如果你有同一个蓝牙设备,想要同时在 Windows / Linux (或者多个 Linux 系统)使用,你会发现在一个系统下配对之后,在另一个系统连接时会连接失败。因为蓝牙在配对后会生成一个 key,而这个 key 在不同的系统下并没有共享。

那么问题就是怎么修改/读取这个 key 了。

Windows 下,key 保存在注册表中。我没有尝试,但是上面的链接提到即使管理员模式也无权访问?所以改为从 Linux 下读取注册表的方式访问Key 。从 Linux 下面也可以使用方便的工具 chntpw 读取。首先备份一个 Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM 文件,然后使用 chntpw 即可读取。我的 key 在 \ControlSet001\Services\BTHPORT\Parameters\Keys\[Bluetooth adapter MAC address]\[Bluetooth device MAC address] 下。

在执行 chntpw -e [SYSTEM 文件的路径] 之后,可以使用 cd / ls 像访问文件一样访问。在到了最终的目录之后,使用 hex [key 名称] 查看对应的 key 的 16 进制。

在 bluez 5 的环境下,配对后会在 /var/lib/bluetooth/[Bluetooth adapter MAC address]/[Bluetooth device MAC address]/info 这个文件内写入设备的信息,格式就是普通的 ini。找到 [LinkKey] 下面的 Key= 行,填入对应的 16 进制 Key (无空格)即可。


  1. 在 Linux 下先配对,生成对应的 info 文件。
  2. 然后在 Windows 下重新配对,产生新的 Key,并存在了注册表中。
  3. 再到 Linux 修改对应文件。
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On porting Fcitx KCM module to KF5

Porting Fcitx KCM to KF5 is not that easy. It’s not only about porting kcm itself, but also porting missing part of fcitx-qt5 to Qt5 (mostly widgets). The old pkgconfig file is quite messed up, so I decided to experiment with extra-cmake-modules (ECM) a bit.

I found that fcitx-qt5 could be nicely split into two sub-modules, so I tried to use similiar CMake trick like KF5. So we now have nicely split FcitxQt5DBusAddons and FcitxQt5WidgetsAddons in fcitx-qt5 repo.

ECM and new cmake provide a standardized way to create find_package cmake scripts and I really like it. Another thing that I want to mention is that target_include_directories(xx INTERFACE xx) is  great. If a library adopts this method, the long list inside include_directories is not required anymore, target_link_libraries will resolve all needed include_directories for you and everything will work like magic.

The keyboard layout previewer in kde4 kcm is not ported yet because there’s some X11 related library usage, which need to be ported to xcb because Qt5 is using xcb instead of libX11. But overall it’s usable, and I fixed a quite nasty old bug in KCM too.

I also played a bit with C++ 11 Lambda, and it made my porting job simpler. In old KDialog’s world, there’s a signal passes KDialog::ButtonCode. Though QDialogButtonBox also provides QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton, QDialogButtonBox’s “clicked” signal only passes QAbstractButton pointer. So I used following lambda function to preserve the old behavior.

[this, buttonBox](QAbstractButton* button) {

which is quite handy to use.

And here comes a mandatory screenshot, sorry for some Chinese character on it because LANG trick can’t affect all strings (some come from another process via DBus).


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很久之前的某天我们在 IRC 的 #chakra-devel 上扯淡,突然有个人说,那边来了个龙卷风。




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首先,问题就在于你和你的室友是一起和房东签的合同,任何一方想要搬走都是break lease。

break lease 的罚款是建立在房租上的,到合同到期日为止,剩下的所有房租是可能产生的罚款的最大的量。

当然,为了保护租户,房东也不会和你较劲,一般来讲,如果你找到一个下家就可以转租出去。然后不会因为break lease而被罚款。





想要从你室友那讨回你应该的部分也只能去和他打官司。找下家,找新房子,和房东得瑟,还有精神上的压力 ¬ _ ¬ ,没人能赔偿得了了。





其次就是,划分责任范围也是很重要的。合租的话先在你们之间签个 agreement 是比较好的办法。

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