
由于 @dickeny 的说明,我发信hellohost比burstnet贵9RMB,于是觉得换到burstnet,顺便消耗消耗我credit card上次买laptop的余款。(信用额度不足以搞定一台,但是一口气充了太多进去……)


首先注册完成后,order了一个订单,有个步骤是电话来访,英文读两次4位数字验证码,结果提示不正确,我以为我听差了,于是又order一次。发现问题同前。于是我很无语。我确认我没听错,怎么回事呢?貌似是新用户需要认证,把credit card和证件发给burstnet,好麻烦。不过我决定忍了(反正公司的传真不花钱)……而且提示需要open ticket。


Sorry to bother you, but I really has some problem about ordering a vps. I’d just like to order a vps on burst.net, and first time I just process normally and just at the end of the order, I get a phone call and get the fraud check code, I think I just get the code correct but system shows that it maybe a fraud order. So I just have another try, and the code was read very clear and I don’t think I made a mistake again, so I wonder whether there is anything wrong about the fraud checking system or I just give the wrong information.

(If my order is passed, please just leave only one order, I make a second try just to make sure I didn’t make a mistake while input code.)



We sent an email asking for documentation to be provided. Please submit the requested documentation and let me know what order number you wish to have set unpaid so that you can make payment. Thank you so much.

I have fax my credit card info as the request on two days ago. Shall I send it again? Or there is some missing information?

the invoice is #XXXXXX.


I do not see the documents sent via email address XXXXX. Please let me know if you sent your documents from a different address. Thank you so much.

not via email, I send it by fax, to 570-343-9533.
And the account identifier is XXXXXXX.


I have confirmed your documents have been received and we are now just waiting for the verification process to be completed. Thank you so much.




Due to the authentication delay, one of my invoice reopened and I have paid for it (#XXXXXX). And the other one is opened today, #YYYYYY , what should I do now?

Some complaint below,
I’m nearly unbearable for the delay of this service. I totally unterstand that you need authentication and that may need some time to check. But I wonder why after I passed authentication, you guys can just put a customer side for two days, and even no result for the payment? And reopend another Invoice?! I even didn’t get to any VPS access yet, just act like I have already used some service and need to pay for next month. Why you guys do so many things that may make customer confused and make theme to raise a ticket to solve such thing?


Your documents were verified on 9/25/10, however, your order was then put on hold because your invoice was not paid. Please advise now when you get your welcome letter so that I can adjust your due date as I have set your order to process. Thank you.

So you mean I just wait is ok? I just receive email that “BurstNET®: Awaiting Documentation Required” again.

然后我就被老板抓去干活,后来一时没管这茬,托到今天,因为最近频频来信说我bill过期未付款的事情,看到提示说有些影响信用,想到以后买起来可能有麻烦。于是想,我再和你叨扰两句吧。一查以前的那个ticket(上文第二个),发现被close了,于是心里有很不爽,没回复就把我ticket close算啥事啊。


Sorry for late.

As in ticket XXXXXX

The last reply is not replied, so I wonder why that ticket is closed?! And as I paid an “invalid” invoice, your staff guys should tell a totally newbie customer what to do?

So, I haven’t received any vps open report yet, and paid for a invoice? Could you help me to correct this situation?


I am very sorry for this as your ticket was indeed not responded and closed out automatically. I assure you your ticket was not closed intentionally. I am forwarding this ticket to our verification team and this ticket will be monitored to insure it does not close. Thank you so much.

It’s ok, but that’s not my point.

And I’m eagerly to know should I do anything to finally purchase a VPS from BurstNET.

My situation is, having an already paid Invoice #XXXXX, and a due invoice #YYYYY, but nothing received yet.

What should I do and can you help me to correct this? Even just refund #XXXXXX and open a new invoice for me is ok, or just do anything to help me open the VPS for next month.


I apologize for not updating you that I was doing this, but I was escalating your order for release. I have placed a credit in your account on the amount of 11.90 which will credit you for two months of service that you can use to pay your future invoices. I am very sorry for the delay and appreciate your patience. Please let me know if you have any questions.



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4 Responses to 服务器换血记

  1. 右京样一 says:
    Google Chrome 7.0.517.41 GNU/Linux




  2. 沈觅仁 says:
    Opera 10.63 GNU/Linux x64



  3. csslayer says:
    Firefox 4.0b6 Windows 7


  4. csslayer says:
    Firefox 4.0b6 Windows 7

    我没付款前就让我提交信息了,可以选credit card或者paypal……



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