Author Archives: csslayer
The Road to Fcitx 5: 2. With multiple focus and multiple display in mind.
I’d like to clarify one thing about this series of articles first. All features described in this series are already implemented, because I do not fell comfortable about writing about vaporware. The purpose of this series is to share some … Continue reading
The Road to Fcitx 5: 1. libxcb replaces libX11
This is the first post of “Road to Fcitx 5”. I planned to talk about more the changes in Fcitx 5, and comments are welcome. Right now, I’m using Fcitx 5 from day to day. As you can see from … Continue reading
How to use fcitx on Ubuntu 17.10
Since ubuntu moves to GNOME 3, there’s some difference if you want to use fcitx. It’s not hard to do, but need some manual tweak on user configurations. Here is the instruction about how to use fcitx on a fresh … Continue reading
Gaps between Wayland and Fcitx (or all Input methods).
Though some people have no problem (or, only few problems) about using fcitx (to be more specifically version 4) with wayland, but the truth is there are still lots of problems left to be addressed. The truth is, wayland is … Continue reading
最近的一个 Linux Intel 驱动问题和 Workaround
老实说一般我都不愿意写这种文章。因为这种文章基本上都是很有时效性的。但毕竟这个问题已经困扰了我好几个月,所以还是打算记录一下方便同样遇到问题的人。 具体表现是,开机正常,使用正常,但是如果放久了就会黑屏再也起不来。这时还能 ssh 进去,但是从 ssh 重启很大可能会等待很久。上游的 bug report 我也不好分辨到底是哪个,就随便列出几个我觉得相关的。 那么最后我的解决方案是什么呢……总之也是在某个 report 里面看到有人提到的方法。 在 /etc/modprobe.d/90-i915.conf 里面写上 options i915 enable_guc_loading=1 enable_guc_submission=1 disable_power_well=0 总之我加上这个参数之后好久都没有出过问题了。 顺带一提我正在使用的内核版本是 4.13.0 但是这个问题至少困扰我了好久好久大概从 4.9 之后升级了 BIOS 开始……